Access Mental Health and Spiritual Counseling

If you are experiencing anxiety or concern over the war, we urge you to seek support.

Request an Open Expression Facilitator

An Open Expression Facilitator's (OEF) role is to provide a presence at, and, if necessary, address disruption at qualifying events hosted by recognized undergraduate student organizations, and to offer guidance on the Freedom of Expression and Dissent policy and guidelines. OEFs are neutral observers serving without bias. With proper lead time, coordinators of recognized undergraduate organization events may request the presence of an Open Expression Facilitator.

Report Discrimination or Harassment

In April 2023, the areas of Equal Opportunity, Accessibility, and Title IX were moved to a new functional unit within the President's division. The office is responsible for promoting and sustaining policies and practices for the Dartmouth community related to compliance with all federal, state, and local employment and civil rights laws regarding discrimination and harassment, affirmative action, and equal employment opportunity. For information regarding Dartmouth's nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy, Title IX policy, ADA/504, , and/or to inquire about filing a complaint related to any form of discrimination or harassment based on membership in a protected class, call 603-646-0922 or email