Relevant Strategic Actions from Toward Equity

Toward Equity–Dartmouth's strategic plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion–outlines actions to strengthen coordination, structure, accountability, and assessment to support an inclusive and equitable experience for students, faculty, and staff. The following actions are specific examples of how Dartmouth's DEI strategy aims to stregthen support related to religious identity.

  • Action 5. Establish a Community of Care model to provide a more robust support structure to increase the overall sense of belonging and enhance the campus approach to safety.
  • Action 11. Create a mechanism to identify where and how the college can improve its historical accountability for past injustices impacting marginalized groups including Native Americans, enslaved Africans, LGBTQ-identified people, women, and those who identify as Jewish (by practice or ethnicity).
  • Action 15. Assess and strengthen community life and inclusivity for all students.

Institutional Definitions

Dartmouth has adopted the following institutional definitions for key words relevant to dialogue across difference.